Game of war research tree
Game of war research tree

The directory Warzone 2100 can be found in your home-directory at: ~/Library/Application Support/īy default, recent version of macOS hide your account’s Library folder. Entering: %APPDATA%\Warzone 2100 Project\ into the address bar of Windows Explorer / File Explorer will browse to your Warzone directory. Hence, the default path for the Warzone 2100 configuration data on Windows Vista+ would be: C:\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Warzone 2100 Project\Warzone 2100 \īy default, the %APPDATA% folder is hidden. The directory Warzone 2100 Project\Warzone 2100 is located under the %APPDATA% folder. This is not relevant for most players, but if you are going to be zeroing people with over 20mil troops then the optimum gear becomes very different. As such, in the Defense List, 30% Troop Boost is better than 50% cavalry attack. When defending, you are nearly always defending with multiple troop types.

Game of war research tree